Source code for invenio_previewer.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""View method for Invenio-Records-UI for previewing files."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from flask import Blueprint, abort, current_app, request

from .api import PreviewFile
from .extensions import default
from .proxies import current_previewer

blueprint = Blueprint(
"""Blueprint used to register template and static folders."""

[docs]def preview(pid, record, template=None, **kwargs): """Preview file for given record. Plug this method into your ``RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS`` configuration: .. code-block:: python RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS = dict( recid=dict( # ... route='/records/<pid_value/preview/<path:filename>', view_imp='invenio_previewer.views.preview', record_class='invenio_records_files.api:Record', ) ) """ # Get file from record fileobj = current_previewer.record_file_factory( pid, record, request.view_args.get( 'filename', request.args.get('filename', type=str)) ) if not fileobj: abort(404) # Try to see if specific previewer is set file_previewer = fileobj.get('previewer') # Find a suitable previewer fileobj = PreviewFile(pid, record, fileobj) for plugin in current_previewer.iter_previewers( previewers=[file_previewer] if file_previewer else None): if plugin.can_preview(fileobj): try: return plugin.preview(fileobj) except Exception: current_app.logger.warning( ('Preview failed for {key}, in {pid_type}:{pid_value}' .format(key=fileobj.file.key,,, exc_info=True) return default.preview(fileobj)
[docs]@blueprint.app_template_test('previewable') def is_previewable(extension): """Test if a file can be previewed checking its extension.""" return extension in current_previewer.previewable_extensions